My course teaches the exact strategies to ‘Ignite Your Life and Rise Regardless.’ It was taught at Europe’s leading retreat/alternative holiday – Skyros Holidays, which was voted ‘one of the world’s best holidays’ by the UK Sunday Times. The Guardian (UK) described it as ‘the first and still the best’ alternative/retreat holiday.
The Telegraph (UK) included Skyros Holidays in their ‘Best Spas & Wellness Retreats List’ for Europe. Poet Hugo Williams described, The Times Literary Supplement, it as ‘the holiday you can take home with you’.

Ignite your life and rise regardless
This transformational course gives you the tools to create a powerful now and future, and connects you back to you allowing rejuvenation, heart-space and new inspiration.
“Thank you for being such a bright light in my life. I’ve become unstuck and made so many amazing changes in my life. You inspire me to be a better human.” Adriana Castillo
“Monique you are indefatigable. A thorough inspiration!
Feeling always fulfilled with your daily doses of soul messages.” Ai Obio
Are you feeling in a rut with your life? Do you have the same old goals that never happen? Are you yearning for a different kind of life? Do you feel the way you’re living is not congruent with who you really are?
Then ‘Ignite Your Life and Rise Regardless’ is for you. You’ll reconnect back to your true source of power and have you living a life that is awake, full of purpose, desire and courage ~ leading a life you love.

The results look like this …
- Create heart-based goals that ignite you to create a future you love, and let go of’ calcified’ and ‘should’ goals that have left you wanting and stagnated.
- Develop your purposes and know how to create a desirable life.
- Have a strategy mapped out to achieve this.
- Learn the common hidden obstacles that stop goals from happening and what to do about it.
- Unlock false beliefs and mental habits holding you back.
- Learn how to use your mind to gear success and abundance in your favour.
- Know how to be happier now regardless of what is going on in your life.
- Have a rise regardless toolkit for life that you can use to create change in your life.
My method combines the very best personal development techniques with the latest science backed neuroplasticity methods, and ancient wisdom. And of course, loads of fun and soul.

“You inspire me. I discovered you right while going down an ugly lane. I’ve been taking steps each day to rise your rise regardless. Life is so much better.”
Nawira Ivy Kariuki
“Monique was amazing – I learnt so much!!” Thought provoking and helped me focus on what I want to do. In the 6 months following the course my life improved dramatically.”
Shona Marker
“Monique, Thank you for your inspiration! After 7 surgeries YOU have helped me a lot! Thank you.” Martina Morgan

On the course …
‘Calcified and should goals’ unintentionally stagnate you, taking up a lot of time and energy. They also keep you on the same frustrated path. These either will be reworked to be more congruent with who you are or let go completely. This opens up the future to exciting possibilities. It makes space for the new, as no change can happen if there is no space in your life for it.
You’ll do special exercises that allow you to access heart-based goals. Goals change into something passionate and fulfilling. When you allow heart-based goals into your life powerful shifts occur.
You’ll learn how to create a radical paradigm shift of self trust so you can access your true power and intuition, and learn to back yourself always.
People often fall down on executing their new goals or take measures that aren’t always successful. We will create powerful action plans to suit your individual needs.
Your internal world/thoughts/beliefs need to match your overarching goals to create the best chance of success of leading a life you love. You will understand how to find false beliefs and mind chatter that holds you back. And you’ll learn step-by-step how to create an abundance mindset that is empowering.
You’ll discover the best way to set boundaries with friends and families, and communicate your new goals so as to get support, rather than causing more problems.
We work with the RAS (reticular activating system) of the executive function of the brain, which is the power of intention and focus. What you focus on more you receive.
You’ll have a community of people on the course so you can support each after the course.
It is my sincere desire to create an experience that opens life up to a new level and fills the participants with possibility, inspiration and inner strength. In essence, a passionate rise regardless life.
Endorsements and kind words
~ Christine Agha ~

“My intention for my sessions with Monique has been to stay committed and feel supported to reach my goals. Monique has helped keep me accountable, helped me break through various comfort zones, make a lot of dramatic changes and encouraged me to stay on track.
She’s taught me how to break down the complex challenges into really simple, actionable steps and now I finally feel that I have the tools I need to keep rising regardless. Thus is really huge for me because in those moments when I’ve felt like throwing in the towel, I hear Monique in my head lifting me up. I’d absolutely recommend Monique as a teacher and guide.” Christine Agha, Australia.
~ Mara Hernandez ~
I definitely recommend Monique as a coach. She cares about your story, what you are going through and where you are coming from. Then she guides you with an empowered and positive attitude.

As a result of working with Monique, I have found a strength I forgot I had. I am learning to trust myself, and am more aware of the thoughts that go through my mind so I can catch them and change them if they are negative (which has been the case more often than I imagined!).
I have learned to remind myself that I am capable of making good decisions, of taking care of myself and to be strong. I’ve also learned some fears are real and some are not; this has proved to be very helpful when facing changes and/or obstacles in my way. This has changed my life a lot.
The zoom calls were very personal, especially considering we are in opposite sides of the world! Her method and how she kept track of my life story, showed me she actually cares and that means so much to me!
The homework and suggestions she gave are precise, and also made me question so many negative beliefs I had, so I can change them. Monique’s point of view and insights have been amazingly effective. She is very honest and open. Just read her blog, you will see what I mean!
I am so grateful for all the help she has given me. I have learned a lot about myself! Even if learning how to access my strength was the only good thing I got from my sessions with Monique, it would be totally worth it; but it has been so much more than that! Her story is inspiring and I think it’s amazing the way she is using her experience and knowledge to help others.” Mara Hernández, Costa Rica.
~ Michelle de Vries ~

“I’ve loved working with Monique and found her support and advice to be transformative and very insightful. If you are thinking of working with Monique I highly recommend her. It is very effective and we usually have a lot of laughs. She is gentle, intelligent, thoughtful and honest with her coaching and feedback. These traits and capabilities are a testimony to her great leadership skills.
What I’ve enjoyed the most is Monique provides helpful feedback in a very caring and thoughtful way that has really helped me.
She especially helped me clarify the next steps I wanted to take in my life and how I might go about that. This was really important for me because I tend to think a lot but don’t necessarily take any action.
Monique helped me let go of the “dead wood” in my professional and personal life, and make new goals that I love doing. I’m now living my life in a much better way. Transformative!” Michelle de Vries, Australia.
“Listening to her recent radio interview, I was amazed at how many challenges she had to go through so far in life. Her determination and willingness to overcome each circumstance is not only amazing; but also proof that she walks the talk and rises regardless of what she encounters. A great listening experience, and a lesson in looking at life with positive energy and empowering focus.” Andre Dorian
Be your power. No matter what happens to you, what is thrown at you, what people say about you, how reduced your circumstances, you’re WORTHY. Nothing can take that away from you. Worthiness just IS. Be your power.
Love, Monique xx