Visual Storyteller | Encouragement Leader
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Hi, I’m Monique. I’m an encouragement leader, visual storyteller, writer/journalist and photographer. In short, I’m a renaissance woman who blends her skills and talents to help you.
What I’ve been up to
Learn more about what I do.
Flood Photo Documentary Series
In January and April 2023 I went out to Forbes and Eugowra,…
Tropical Belle Photo Essay Project
Tropical belles are a study of Brisbane women’s unique fashion sense, of…
I have over 220,000 followers on social & reach approximately 14 million…
change your day for the better
get started with my most popular blog posts
11 Top Distorted Thinking Habits That Sabotage You
Decades ago, I read about distorted thinking in David Burns’ book –…
continue reading 11 Top Distorted Thinking Habits That Sabotage You
Change Your Story To Change Your Life Two
If I had listened to the story my friends and family thought…
The Mind Believes What You Tell It
Kate was sitting with a friend looking through a fashion magazine, when…
How I Changed my Friendships with this Radical Move
It was time to do things differently …. It was that time…
continue reading How I Changed my Friendships with this Radical Move
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The secret to great self esteem
Ebook. 5 chapters. read today.
monique’s memoir
my life stories that will inspire and move you.

Ignite your life and rise regardless course
Amplify your success.
Contact monique to find out more
Reach out for help with writing, journalism,
photography or creating your best life.
Brisbane, Sydney, Forbes. Australia
Email: info @ moniquehohnberg . com