I met Tropical Belle, Rachel walking down Logan Road. It was boiling hot and we were the only two people who thought walking was a good idea. She took me by surprise – her energy and outfit. Something in me reached out wanting to connect. She was bubbling with good will and so I said,
“Are you by chance going to the personal development brunch?”
“I am. How did you know?”
“Wild guess.”
Rachel and I got along very well at that brunch and in time became friends. Rachel will never conform. She doesn’t even know how that word operates. Bless her equally wild and introverted soul.
“My cleavage goes for a mile.”
The ladies are matched to the flowers, and individual photographs are also paired. They are paired through a variety of themes such as colour, shapes, composition, energy exuded and dress style. Study them to find the themes. Put together they tell a story about each tropical belle.

Read the memoir pieces or see another Tropical Belle below. Go to the Flood Documentary Series.
Copyright Monique Hohnberg 2024