I was outside Woolworths in Moorooka, also known as Little Africa in Brisbane, when this fabulousness rushed past me. A woman on a mission. I ran to get ahead of her. Could I take her photo and a phone number to talk about a photography project?
Tropical Belle Rosa paused briefly and turned towards the light.
From South Sudan, Rosa brought seven children with her, three of her own and four relatives, when fleeing as a refugee. Now, having been here twenty two years, and the children grown, she teaches South Sudanese cooking and sells it in a food truck.
“Come with me to South Sudan and photograph the children.”
The ladies are matched to the flowers, and individual photographs are also paired. They are paired through a variety of themes such as colour, shapes, composition, energy exuded and dress style. Study them to find the themes. Put together they tell a story about each tropical belle.

Read the memoir pieces or look at another Tropical Belle below. Go to the Flood Documentary Series.
Copyright Monique Hohnberg 2024