Tropical Belle Sue wanted to get photographed and then didn’t. Sue is all heart and can be found cooking vegetarian while listening to London ska and punk. Losing her ESL teaching job because of Covid was hard. A lifelong passion. So she pivoted to feeding the homeless and busting bodies into shape at reformer pilates. Sue never gives up. Always surprises you. Sue is the flower you find in the forest when you least expect it.
“I need to find the map of all my shoeboxes under my bed.”
The ladies are matched to the flowers, and individual photographs are also paired. They are paired through a variety of themes such as colour, shapes, composition, energy exuded and dress style. Study them to find the themes. Put together they tell a story about each tropical belle.

Read the memoir pieces or look at another Tropical Belle below. Go to the Flood Documentary Series.
Copyright Monique Hohnberg 2024