I finished reading your book Nicole, THE BEAUTY LOAD. I’m older and I decided to change some of my view points about my looks and body so they were more in alignment with my journey in life. My body gave a big sigh of relief and I lost a couple of kilograms just like that. […]
Bad Pfzier Jab Experience
I had a horrible experience with the Pfizer jab which I am still doing rehabilitation on. The first jab caused tightness in the chest and I had a little trouble breathing for 10 days. However, the immunologist told me to proceed with the 2nd jab as it was more important to get the shot as we […]
My interview with Girl Talk HQ Magazine
I talk about how I used loss and severe change to create the life I love at Girl Talk HQ Magazine. “Australian former film journalist and now personal development leader Monique Hohnberg is no stranger to going through life with high levels of uncertainty. In her early 20s, like many young people, she was living every […]
The only juice and smoothie you need
I changed my eating from lazy healthy to super healthy in early January. I loaded up on fresh fruit and vegetables, and cut out all processed food. I looked up juices and wow there are a lot of different recipes out there! I don’t like too much fuss. If things are complicated I never action […]
Say Yes to No
When you control what happens day to day the long term takes care of itself. The alternative is feeling out of control. When you feel out of control you never get to the gym or start that photography class. You don’t plan and are always trying to stay afloat. You complain to friends about how […]
Bushfires in my country. I felt so desperate, so I did this
I watched TV every night and cried. Then I would berate myself for being so emotional. Then something happened. I snapped, got so angry. Unlike anything I had experienced before.