When you control what happens day to day the long term takes care of itself. The alternative is feeling out of control. When you feel out of control you never get to the gym or start that photography class. You don’t plan and are always trying to stay afloat. You complain to friends about how there is never enough time. You aren’t doing what you love and are most probably putting others first way too much. It’s time to say yes to no.
Have you ever heard the story about the frog that is placed in a saucepan of water? If you put one in hot water it will immediately jump out. However, if you put a frog in cold water and slowly turn up the temperature it will stay in there and eventually boil to death. Because the changes occur gradually it doesn’t realize what is happening. I’d guess this is what has happened to you and now you are in a place of overwhelm. Or it may not be that serious but you need to make some changes to get back in control.
STOP saying YES to all the things you don’t need in your life. You end up in a low vibe state ~ you inadvertently dull your sparkle. You do not realize how much personal power you have given away.
Studies show when you feel powerless, health suffers and you’re far more likely to have a heart attack. Not in control equals dissatisfaction with life and happiness levels plummet.
When you are in charge of your days you achieve contentment, happiness, and a feeling of internal power. You trust yourself to follow through. Confidence grows. You do projects you are passionate about.
The end result is your BEST SELF.

Your best self radiates charisma. It’s sexy and powerful. Fun. Dynamic. Lush. You’re better to be around.
Say YES to No.
The best way to take control of your day is to learn to say NO and create a firm plan for the week.
Let’s explore saying NO.
Saying NO is a skill to learn. Start small this week and commit to two NO’s.
Or better still – go all out. Say NO to everything for 2 weeks. Schedule everything you have been putting off. Do a week of YOU. You will feel great. I’m a big fan of massive change taken immediately. It makes me feel fantastic! It sets the new habit fast.
If you are not good at saying NO, make it a practice to say, ‘I will get back to you.’ Text them later with your answer.
When you say YES and you don’t want to do ~ what kind of feeling do you have? I get a sense of letting myself down. I feel small panic in my chest area as I realize I can’t do what I set out to do with my week. This is a sign I use to get back on track. I recommit to my NO’s.
Say NO and your life gets less cluttered, less crazy. Slower. Deeper. More purposeful. More connected to the divine. Soul content.
Take care of yourself and the world takes care of you. People notice how you treat yourself. They then treat you accordingly. If you treat your time as important, they will to.
When you say NO – you get to work on what is passionate and meaningful for YOU. You get to decide how to spend your day. You are in charge of your life and destiny. You win every single day.
Let’s look at your schedule. If you do not have a firm plan you are wide open to your day being taken over by the demands of others. You’ll end up committing to their priorities, at times that suit them, and not you.
When you have a schedule, you fit requests in AROUND what you are already doing.
If you hate planning, as you’re a spontaneous kind of dude, then let me tell you this. Planning your priorities gives you the freedom you crave.
Control the minutiae, and big goals gets taken care of.
Do not let your day get taken away by “things”. That urgent phone call you answer – even though you just got into your flow work zone. By answering it you decided IT is more important than your flow zone. It takes time to get your focus back and now you’re running behind.
Psychologically, if you start your day by answering others’ requests – all the texts and emails that came in overnight – then you continue the day like this. At the mercy of the world wanting your attention. The world always wants your attention. I check communication mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
How do you want to live?
Start today. Say YES to NO.
Monique xx
P.S. Did you read my article on the bushfires in Australia? I got so mad and upset I became an activist. If you ever feel this kind of righteous anger you should act.
P.S.S. Please leave a comment below. I promise to answer each and every one.
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