I had received a phone call from my mother. She told me she had very bad news. She had to have a breast removed and then chemo. She needed to be operated on straightaway, and they had scheduled it for 12 days time.
Right then and there, I pivoted on the spot again. (To find out about my first pivot – deciding to leave Sydney for good, read ‘Leaving Sydney’, which also includes some powerful life lessons for you).

(Now you may be wondering why there are photos of a rodeo. I took all these photos while out at the Forbes Rodeo, when looking after Mum in Forbes. They all have powerful themes of decision making, gut instinct, self trust, self confidence, and knowing that falling down is part of it.
Instead of leaving Sydney to drive 12 hours north to start my new life in Brisbane, I drove 6 hours west to central NSW. I had just sent all my belongings up north to a storage unit in Brisbane. Luckily, I still had all my business papers on me, so I could take them to Forbes.
When Mum first told me the news it sent me into a panic.
Then, I chose strength and dove into self trust.
Self trust works as a deep anchor in your soul. It’s a radical paradigm shift.
Self trust is the missing key if you have trouble hearing your gut instinct/intuition or want to improve it. Self trust deactivates the fear response. It connects you to your wisdom and strength. Then you can make better decisions and moved forward with self confidence. If you don’t trust yourself then how will you know when to pay attention to your inner voice?
I went through a few weeks journey of working on self trust some months ago and I loved the change within me. It is a powerful exercise to do even if you feel you are already good at trusting yourself.

His bucking horse stopped for a rare few seconds and this cowboy took the opportunity to throw himself onto the safety horse as things had gotten way out of control. Much braver and safer than jumping straight to the ground.
Self Trust, Fear and Decision Making
Self trust changes the way you view the world. It short circuits the fear response. So, when life throws stuff at you, which it surely will, your reaction will be different. Rather than fear, overwhelm, panic, dread. You come from a place of strength. You trust you can deal with whatever comes your way.
Self trust activates your strength and power.

Solid belief in your gut instinct and skillset will take your far. Enjoy the ride of life!
You don’t really understand that you have self trust issues until you choose self trust. Choose it every time a case of the fear or doubt gets you. Then in just a week you’ll see the difference. It is very powerful – choosing self trust. Try it and see. It’s definitely worth the experiment.
Self trust changes your state. The state you are in affects your decision making. Have you ever experienced that feeling of being down? And you can’t see a way to move forward? Then a few days later you feel on top on the world and then suddenly you know exactly what you need to do. Self trust puts you in a self confident and strong state of mind. Empowering. Self Loving.
Self trust is a huge key to unlocking self-loving mindsets and habits. It’s way beyond taking time to nurturing yourself with a massage or weekend away.
If you don’t trust yourself, your decisions will be all the poorer for it.
When you add in self trust the options become wide open. You stand on a mountain and see the far horizon. Instead of being pulled left and right by drama. Your heart is open, solid, centered, warm. You are brave more often. And more loudly.
To look at it another way,
Poor self trust is putting a brake on your life.

Hand caught. Being dragged. Just like the fear-based mind drags you to destinations you don’t really want to go.
One foot on the accelerator. One foot on the brake.
Questioning the moves you make. Second guessing you.
Protection and vigilance. Confusion.
Over-analysis. You may regularly expect the worse.
More freak outs with higher frequencies.
Fear is the basis behind it all. Though you do not see that when you are in the thick of it.

He had done his time, and it was time to come off. Poetry in motion. Trust the fall.
Self Trust and Approval
With self trust you become self contained. You don’t feel the need to get approval from others or endlessly seek advice about your life. Self trust sits deep below everything mooring you into place.
It is your heart space strength.

Jumping of a horse mid stride to tackle a steer to the ground. Legs and more legs!
Finding Self Trust – A Leap of Faith
Self trust is a leap of faith. You can’t intellectualize yourself to self trust. You must believe it. And the belief then creates the power, inner knowing and assuredness. It’s because self trust lets you access your potential.
The faith itself creates the change.
Faith to trust yourself with all your might.
Sit in strength.
Because strength builds strength.
One rock. Two rock. Foundations deep, strong and secure.
Self Trust and Intuition
With self trust you’re able to access your intuition. Your intuition is wisdom, and self trust allows you to hear it. Self trust is connecting to your inner core of worthiness – your soulness ness.
If you can’t hear your intuition or don’t know what inner voice to pay attention to this is why. Self trust is the missing key.
If all your responses are fear based, how will you know what is your gut instinct/soul, or an adrenalin freak out?
Self trust is also about boundaries. Knowing when to say yes and no. Knowing what is good for you and not.
Self trust puts you in a higher frequency of positive energy.
And finally, self trust opens creativity up. Creativity is about going into unknown territories and making something. You need self trust to do that well.
Action Item
Recommit to self trust whenever you need it. Eventually, it will become second nature. It will become a default way and a new neuroplastic network in your mind, one that connects to your heart’s intelligence and gut instinct. With out self trust you rely more on your brain’s analytically processing.
Use it when you feel yourself slipping into overwhelm, fear, freak out, doubts.
Use it especially for decision making.
Use it when you want to make powerful change.
BIG NOTE TO YOU ~ Be kind to yourself and understand that failing always happens. It’s part of life. If you internalize your failures and add in negative talk such as “I’m no good. I can never get anything to work”, then you are going down the rabbit hole of not trusting yourself again.
Most of life involves course correction, trying again, or changing direction. Life can be a crazy ride, and getting caught up in straight lines and how you think it should be is too rigid altogether.
If you have a moment you can read my popular posts Top 8 Habits That Create a Bad Relationship To Self and How I Changed My Friendship Circle With This Radical Move.
Mary Ann Steffler says
Hi Monique, I always enjoy your tweets and positivity… thanks xxxx Mary Ann I
Monique says
Thank you Mary Ann!! I really appreciate you telling me that. Best, Monique
Jan Zac says
Hello Monique,
I saw your tweets and thought I will check your website. Have to say it looks really nice!
I’m also interested in this topic + have recently started my journey as young entrepreneur.
I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂
Hope to hear from you soon.
Jan Zac
Monique says
Thank you Jan. Goodluck with your entrepreneurial journey. Mindset is very important if you are running your own business. Cheers Monique
Deb says
I love the image “You stand on a mountain and see the far horizon, instead of being pulled left and right by drama.” Beautiful! Just the perspective I choose right now. Cheers Deb
Monique says
Thank you Deb! Keep up the great work. Cheers Monique
Kim says
So relevant as I prepare for my final exams to get my law degree
Monique says
That’s great to hear Kim. It will also be very useful when going for job interviews afterwards after your exams. Best of luck in your exams. Best, Monique
Jess Watson says
Hello! I follow you on twitter (I’m @iamjesswatson) and I love this post. My favorite thing about it is the note to self (good advice and so true):
BIG NOTE TO YOU ~ Be kind to yourself and understand that failing always happens. It’s part of life. If you internalize your failures and add in negative talk such as “I’m no good. I can never get anything to work”, then you are going down the rabbit hole of not trusting yourself again.
Most of life involves course correction, trying again, or changing direction. Life can be a crazy ride, and getting caught up in straight lines and how you think it should be is too rigid altogether.
Thank you for writing this
Monique says
Thankyou Jess! I think you would love my 2 part series ‘Change Your Story To Change Your Life.’ As this delves more into self talk. https://moniquehohnberg.com/change-your-story-to-change-your-life-two/
Have a lovely day, Monique
FatDad says
Are you in my head Monique?
– One foot on the accelerator. One foot on the brake.
– Questioning the moves you make. Second guessing you.
– Protection and vigilance. Confusion.
– Over-analysis. You may regularly expect the worse.
– More freak outs with higher frequencies.
Monique says
I try to be. lol!! I’m very happy this resonated with you. I’m always doing my best to try and help as many people as i can with my words. It is lovely to hear back that. Thank you muchly, Monique