It was time to do things differently ….
It was that time of year again. My birthday was coming up. And it was bringing up old feelings of loneliness and lack.
For months I had been focusing on coming from a place of strength and abundance – even though I’d been ill and not working. It was time to bring my new JuJu to my ideas around friendships.
Now, my health problems created all kinds of scarcity in my life, including friends. I didn’t get the opportunity to socialize much and meeting new people was hard. There were many hobbies I couldn’t do which is where I’d find like-minded souls. Also, groups had never really worked. I’m couldn’t keep up with all the activities due to no energy, didn’t have the $$ to do cool stuff with them and so I’d always be on the outer. So, I’d usually have dinner with a few close friends. I wouldn’t post it on Facebook and it would all be very low profile.
I decided to believe I had abundance and love with my friendships.
Note the wording – decided to believe. I didn’t hope in a fearful kind of way that this time would be different. I believed from the tip of my toes to the hairs on my head I had abundance and love in this area.
And what happened?
First, a cascade of new thoughts about my birthday and friends appeared over the next week. My brain was consciously and subconsciously finding evidence to support my new belief. The brain will always do this.
I also consciously started thinking about all the great friends I’d had over the years. Some had been in my life for a decade, but we had moved apart. Others were flatmates. Some had been friends then lovers and then it all crashed and burned. I thought about all the people who had not judged me for my illness (See my About Me page to find out more) which was just amazing. I was filled with gratitude about my social circle and the people I had met along the way. That feeling of gratitude – I made sure I stayed with it every day.
I was seeing things in a whole new light. It was astounding. I was changing my story – the story I told myself about my friendships – before my very eyes. Instead of feeling lonely and bereft I was feeling grateful and happy. And I had collected new evidence so I was seeing things in another way. Change your perspective, change your life.

I decided to throw a party at a popular wine bar. And to invite all the people that had been important to me at one time or another. It was my way of saying, “Hello, I’m being social again after crippling illness. I haven’t been available to you. I still like you.” My intent was only to show I cared.
Then another funny thing happened. I didn’t care if I was rejected and someone didn’t reply. It wasn’t about what they thought of me. It was about showing I still cared about them. It was liberating. I felt fearless and wonderful.
I also wanted to celebrate my gains in my health. I’d made enormous improvements in the last couple of months. My birthday drinks became a way to celebrate. Again, my attitude was coming from a place of abundance and love.
Two close friends weren’t sure if they could make it. Normally, I would worry about numbers if the ‘core’ people weren’t coming. This time I was fine and full of confidence – all because I was coming from a place of abundance and strength. And my stress levels before the party were non-existent.
Then the strangest thing happened at the actual party.
People started saying how popular I was. Now, I haven’t been seen like this since before I fell ill, since my twenties! And that was a long time ago. This interesting new label appeared out of nowhere. I overheard one group of people discussing it, and then again later in the night. Some came up and said it to me.
It floored me. I didn’t understand where it was coming from. And then it hit me – my energy and belief shift had created a perception shift. This one radical move had changed my friendship circle – just like that.
I was now being seen as popular. My belief had created a self fulfilling prophecy. And to top it all off, I had an amazing night. An absolute ball!
Now it’s your turn.
Action Item – What will your radical move be?
I recommend starting with an event or situation coming up. Is it a meeting with your boss? A party coming up? A family dinner? Your birthday? Where do you feel lack? Focus on one event. Don’t just use it in a vague and general sense. You can do that later.
The result will be far more powerful if you focus on one event. You’ll see the concrete evidence that it works. This evidence will give you motivation and energy to keep doing it.
Once you have had success with this start applying it to other areas of your life. Now, remember I had being doing abundance, love and strength for some months before I started doing it for my birthday celebration, so if you are not as successful as you would like with your first attempt don’t worry. Keep going. Choose another event.
Practice and belief is the key to all mastery.
Decide right now. Say it out loud. “For this meeting/party/dinner/etc I am coming from a place of abundance and strength.” Say it out loud again. Set the intention in your heart.
Now, I did not think, “what things will I do to create the feeling of coming from a place of strength and abundance.”
I started with the belief. “My friendship circle is full of love and abundance.” It’s a subtle but powerful difference. It means the shift comes from deep within you. And that makes it work. It creates a whole new way of looking at your situation. Your subconscious will find evidence to support your new belief. Trust me. It will.
Also, be proactive. Do some brainstorming to find evidence to support this new belief. The more work you do the more powerful the shift. Gratitude is important too. It changes your perception, rewrites the story and removes some of the stressors that are normally associated with it.
This may seem simple but it is deep profound work. This tool can be applied to many areas of your life. It increases the quality of your life. And in turn your happiness levels.
Personal development gurus, healers and the like talk about coming from a place of abundance, living with love in your heart not fear, or bringing the best version of yourself. So I wanted to show you what that means in a practical sense and how to do it.
Monique xx
P.S. These are two of my most popular blog posts. I do recommend you read them. 8 Top Habits that Create a Bad Relationship to Self and How to Rise Regardless No Matter What.
Lola says
Hi Monique,
Thanks for sharing this piece and making a difference. You have no idea how many people may be on a similar journey as yours. This is inspiring. I will keep following your work.
Monique says
Thank you Lola! I hope you continued to be inspired on your journey. And always Rise Regardless. Best, Monique
Anthony says
Hi Monique, Thanks for the timely reminder. The timing is impeccable for me. thanks Anthony
Monique says
You are very welcome Anthony!
Rain says
Hello. It is a simply amazing piece of writing. Exactly resonates my feelings and what I am going through right now. Reading it made me so content and relaxed. Great, I just chanced upon it ???? And now feel wonderful. It works, the mind gives you evidence to support what you believe in.
Monique says
Hello Reine, thats so wonderful to hear. Keep up the great work. best, Monique
Ankit says
Hi Monique, thanks for this. This is the first post of yours that I read and I already feel it working! 🙂
Monique says
Hi Ankit! Awesome! I look forward to hearing how you go. Thanks so much for telling me. :-)))
Denise says
Thank you for sharing your story! It’s interesting to watch how subtle and creative our minds are in responding to our beliefs when we think we’re paying attention….but we’re not! Helped my awareness!!! Hugs! Denise
Monique says
Awesome ???? Thanks for the feedback!
Yes you says
Thank you for sharing revival. GBU more❤️????????????????
Monique says
???????????? thanks for the feedback!
Angelina says
I realized that it’s within me and that I am ready to be proactive and take that leap of faith. I still feel the physical pain and suffer from fatigue but i believe it will go away as I do what I need to do to eleviate the symptoms. #RiseRegardless
Thank you for your encouragement.
Monique says
Hi Angelina, good on you for positive determination and courage. Keep well, Monique
Jeri Wright says
Amazing!!! After journeying through what is considered a pit experience, I am now on the other side of through, having lived in abundance and love no matter how horrific it should’ve been! By God’s grace, my mind was elevated and I did not let my circumstances dilute my daily attitude of gratitude.
I recently began planning an event to show my gratitude to all for who they had, have, or continue to be in my life! Reading this has given me further confirmation I am on the right track, living in abundance and love! Thank you for sharing your experience! Jeri
Monique says
Wow Jeri. thank you for sharing your story. It will certainly help others. Goodlcuk with your event. best, monique
Monique says
Thankyou Jane!!
Monique says
Thank you Kiersten, goodluck with your plans. Thank you for your suggestion.
Monique says
Hi Andre, you have done some powerful work on yourself. To be able to change your state at will is fantastic! Lovely to see you here on the website! Thank you for your feedback. That made my day! 🙂
Suzanne Carpenter says
Thank you for your inspiration. After battling 2 cancers, massive chemo two transplants and full body radiation left me Nearly Dead. The last few years have been hell with all the damage done to my body and my spirit. I found who my true friends and family members were through this experience. I felt very alone for some time and still do some days. I will be making an attempt to go to an event this weekend and try using this positive attitude that you’ve presented. I appreciate you sharing your story because there are similarities to my story. I just don’t want to bring anybody down so if you have any advice how to keep my brain away from negative thoughts I’d appreciate it and any advice on how to enjoy myself at this event that I won’t know very many people at. Thank you again for sharing
Monique says
Hi Suzanne,
Have you read my post, ‘The Mind Believes What You Tell It’ will help you. https://moniquehohnberg.com/mind-believes-what-you-tell-it/ You will get back to full health in your mind as I can see you are aware of it and already actively working on it. Make sure you sign upto my free series on self esteem as well as the deep mindset change this involves will also help. Make sure you add in joyful things every day to help as well. It can be simple as singing to your favorite songs or whatever feels good. It can be hard to just be positive if nothing in your day is positive. Keep reading my posts and keep an eye out for a course coming up.
Andre Dorion says
Hi Monique;
I have started following your new website.
Congratulations; it is very powerful.
This article on beliefs and how to think positively within yourself is truly powerful.
When applied, the impact is almost instateneous.
I’ve done it in a crowded subway, and instead of anxiously heading home, I enjoyed the flow of the crowd, without worrying about who bumped me, or who prevented me of moving on my way.
I had a great commute back, and it felt great.
I will continue to read your posts regularly.
It’s very powerful.
Your Twitter buddy;
Vaidya Shankar says
Your experience is another proof of the awesome power of the human mind.
It is strange that people invest lots of time, money and energy to maintain home,car etc, but sadly neglect their most valuable gift, the mind.
Thank you for a great article.
Monique says
Yes and the mind is completely within our control. Thankyou for the awesome feedback!!
Gordon Smith says
Hi Monique
The power of the mind is awesome.
My old friend and natural health Phd Doctor always said Think Healthy and Think Happy
Your Health and Wellness
Monique says
So true!!
Julio César says
así es Monique decidir creer que se tiene amor y abundancia es la clave en cualquier actividad que se realice, gracias Julio
Translation “Monique decides to believe that you have love and abundance is the key in any activity, that is done/performed, thank you Julio
Monique says
Great to see you got the crux of the lesson Julio. Let me know how you go. Thanks for the comments :-))
Janice says
Love your positive message! Keep it up! I am looking forward to being a messenger of love and positivity to the world ???? too????????Thanks for the encouragement.
Monique says
Thanks Janice for the feedback. Good luck with your future endeavours!
Christelle says
I love this!!! Positive minds change the world one moment at a time ♡
Monique says
Thank you Christelle for the lovely feedback! hugs m