I changed my eating from lazy healthy to super healthy in early January. I loaded up on fresh fruit and vegetables, and cut out all processed food. I looked up juices and wow there are a lot of different recipes out there! I don’t like too much fuss. If things are complicated I never action […]
Personal Development
Say Yes to No
When you control what happens day to day the long term takes care of itself. The alternative is feeling out of control. When you feel out of control you never get to the gym or start that photography class. You don’t plan and are always trying to stay afloat. You complain to friends about how […]
Change Your Story To Change Your Life Three
Have your close friends been making remarks about the smallest thing you are supposedly doing wrong? Have your friends encouraged you lately and reminded you of your successes or are they silent? Do your friends believe in your abilities to make something happen? Do your friends believe in you? Do they help you stay motivated […]
My Interview With Chris Brock
Hello Everyone, Sorry I’ve been a bit absent lately. I got very snowed under preparing my “Ignite Your Life and Rise Regardless” course which I just taught in Greece and then I went on a holiday afterwards. Now, I’m back in Brisbane for the time being. It has been strange going from European culture to […]
11 Top Distorted Thinking Habits That Sabotage You
Decades ago, I read about distorted thinking in David Burns’ book – The Feeling Good Handbook. It changed my life. I wrote the list of habits down in a little notepad, kept it in my handbag and read it on the bus, on the couch, whenever I had a moment. Of all the personal development […]
How To Hear Your Intuition And Act On It.
I had received a phone call from my mother. She told me she had very bad news. She had to have a breast removed and then chemo. She needed to be operated on straightaway, and they had scheduled it for 12 days time. Right then and there, I pivoted on the spot again. (To find […]